Good Guys Roofing Company - Roof Replacement Process Dallas
There are important differences between getting a new roof system and simply getting new shingles. Good Guys Roofing Company prides ourselves on quality roof installation and repair services that are executed in accordance with all local building codes / ordinances and best industry standards.
Step 1.) Removal or Roofing materials to decking
Good Guys Roofing Company removes your roofing material to the decking, so that we can inspect for any damaged or deteriorated boards. On older homes we almost always find a couple boards that need attention. However, on newer homes it is rare that we have to replace decking, but it does happen from time-to-time.

Step 2.) Dry-in; Install ice and water shield and underlayments
We line the valleys of your roof with a self adhering ice and water shield membrane. Installing ice and water shield properly is very important as this is your last line of defense in an area of your roof that is subject to the heaviest water drainage should the valleys become overwhelmed or you experience heavy wind-driven rain. Proper installation of the shingles will prevent your valleys from being overwhelmed with the proper taper closed cut.

Before we replace the flashings on your roof, we wrap the curbs of your skylight and chimney with ice and water membranes. We do the same for chimneys, side walls, and end-walls.
Once the ice and water membrane is properly installed on your critical areas, we install the underlayment which is typically a synthetic membrane. We suggest installing a synthetic underlayment as it's safer for the workers, has better permeability (nerd stuff) ratings, and is rated to act as a stand alone roof system for 3-6 months depending on the specific synthetic underlayment.

Step 3.) Replace damaged Flashings - Good Guys Roofing Company
You're looking at damaged chimney flashing. When you remove shingles near the chimney, the flashings will have nail holes, bend, and may already have corrosion. Once the roof is installed, it is impossible to tell if these were replaced. Make sure your roofing contractor replaces these flashings otherwise you will be calling someone out in a few years to fix a chimney leak.

This is the same chimney. We wrapped the base/intersection of the roof shingles with ice and water membrane and installed new flashings. This is the only way to make sure your chimney will not leak down the road. Do not roll the dice and expect a tube of caulk to fix a chimney leak down the road. It is much more efficient to replace your chimney flashings during the roof tear off compared to after the fact. A proper chimney reflash project can cost upto $1000 depending on the siding and

Step 4.) Install Starter and Field Shingles - Hand Nailed Roofing - Good Guys
This is supposed to be easy part! While not all shingles install the same and there is nuance to each specific shingle, it doesn't take a great amount of skill to install shingles on a roof. However we still see a lot of installation issues over the years. We will not bore you with all of the details, but if you install the shingles the correct way, 4 nails is all you need and as long as you place them in the proper place horizontally and vertically, you'll enjoy decades of worry free service from your roofing system. Only trust your roof to quality installations. Call Good Guys today. 972-472-4000.
Step 5.) Install vents and accessories
Your vents and accessories are installed and they are painted to match the shingles.
Step 6.) Clean the job-site and haul off the old roofing materials.
Your roofing material is hauled off to a recycling facility where the asphalt goes through a grinder and re-purposed. The workers will run heavy magnets on your property to get excess nails and other debris from the roof tear off.
Step 7.) Siding and Paint crews finish any final touches
As soon as the roofers are finished installing your roof, you may need siding, painting, or other trades finished depending on your specific project. Our roofers specialize in roofing only, so we coordinate with our other tradesman to stop by and put the finishing touches on your home. This picture to the left is an example of a chimney needing new siding once the base was re-flashed. This is very common with chimneys that have wood or fiber cement siding. We guarantee your satisfaction with the roof replacement process at Good Guys Roofing Company. Call us for a quote for your next roof replacement project 972-472-4000